A 1:1 intensive experience where we’ll get to the heart of YOUR unique gifts and purpose in the world, why YOUR solution is #1 for your ideal clients, and how to make YOU their obvious choice with unique brand messaging that stops the scroll using my unique method that fuses the energetics of your Human Design with proven, real-world business strategy to create you a step-by-step process for signing clients consistently without having to rely on YOU being online every minute of the day to keep your business moving



If you want to put an end to overthinking so you can step up as the assertive CEO your business needs, it’s time to create a personalized strategy to grow your business in alignment with your unique energetics.

Let’s not beat around the bush here: building a profitable business takes time.

The sooner you implement supportive structure rather than staring at your screen for hours hoping the ‘magic-bullet’ idea drops in, the sooner you’ll start attracting a steady stream of clients who will happily pay you to solve the specific problems they deeply care about (that perfectly align with your natural strengths).

What past clients are saying:



A, 8-week 1:1 business intensive where we’ll combine the gifts of your Human Design with real-world business strategy so you can start delivering sold-out offers to perfect-fit clients who see YOU as the ‘no-other-option’ mentor.

People can shop around for different services and access endless free information online, but they can’t shop around for YOU.

The 3 questions your brand messaging must answer are:


What sets you apart from the sea of online business owners selling the same modalities with the same messaging for the same client archetype?


Why is your offer unique, relevant, and urgent for your ideal clients? Valued brands solve problems that people deeply care about—the kind of problems that keep them awake at night wondering what to do. Are you solving a problem your clients truly care about?


Why is your signature offer a must-have and not a nice-to-have? What are the hidden costs and internal problems that your clients aren’t aware of? Why does your client’s problem need to be solved NOW and not later?

This is the 3-step process we’ll use to build your business in alignment with your greatest strengths, leadership style, and unique profit potential:


Brand Strategy

First, we’ll develop your personalized brand foundations by pinpointing your unique strengths, leadership style, and profit potential so you know exactly what differentiates your brand and attracts people to work with you.


Offer Suite

Next, we’ll develop and refine your offer suite and long-term revenue plan so you’re working in alignment with your natural strengths, attracting the people you’re here to lead, and putting your energy toward the right projects.


Energy-Efficient Content System

Then, we’ll implement a scalable, energy-efficient system for content creation so you can wake up to new subscribers and sales alerts without having to be constantly online.

What’s Included:

  • 6x 60-minute live, recorded Brand Strategy sessions

  • Audio coaching held Tue - Thu each week to ask questions and receive strategic insights

  • Workbooks and templates for Brand Foundations, Content Strategy, and Seasonal Planning that you can use for years to come

  • 10 video modules (most around 10-15 minutes) with real-life examples that guide you through each workbook

This is your supported, ‘done-with-you’ path to a differentiated, highly visible business that highlights your unique gifts and consistently attracts your dream clients.

Over the course of 8 weeks, you will:

✓ Develop a deep understanding of your differentiated gifts and profit potential and how they attract others to you.

✓ Pinpoint the specific transformation you provide and break it down into a 6-figure offer suite aligned to your natural strengths.

✓ Identify exactly who you’re meant to work with and how your offers help them at each stage of their journey.

✓ Implement an energy-efficient content system that consistently attracts potential clients.

✓ Clarify your brand strategy and the long-term actions needed to build your legacy.

Reprogram deep, unconscious blocks to the visibility and success you consciously desire.

And so much more.

Take it from me…

Churning out daily content to generate leads is NOT sustainable. My first 6 months as a Human Design Guide, I only booked clients when I maintained a draining 5-7 posts per week. While I was making sales, there was nothing differentiating me from the sea of Human Design readers offering the same generic readings.

Behind the scenes, I was helping clients increase their revenue by identifying their gifts, guiding their offer creation, and implementing messaging that spoke to their target audience, but that wasn’t being communicated in my brand messaging. From an outsider’s perspective, all I offered were birth chart readings. Enter my lightbulb moment:

My brand’s true promise and life-changing solution were invisible to the people who needed it.

I’d gotten SO in the ‘marketing’ weeds that I’d forgotten the true purpose of my brand—the heart-led movement that naturally set me apart from EVERYONE in my field. This was the core problem all the bio updates in the world couldn’t fix.

After 6 months of grinding it out to make sales, it was time to tap into the branding skills I’d accumulated from my 8-year consumer marketing career. I began synthesizing real-world business strategy with my years of Human Design studies, and 3 months later:

  • I was consistently booking clients and referrals had increased 30%

  • I doubled my pricing and was gaining recognition as a ‘Human Design for business’ consultant

  • My TikTok following increased 200% (despite cutting content creation down to 2 days per week)

  • I launched my first evergreen offer and began earning money ‘offline’

Over the last 2 years, I’ve honed this process to help people like you stand out for your unique genius. You shouldn’t have to tweak your messaging and drum up new offers every 5 seconds because you haven’t nailed what makes you the obvious choice for your clients.

Over 8 weeks, I’ll help you become seen and PAID for your differentiated gifts.




Picture your 8 weeks inside BBD:

After each 1:1 session, you’ll dive into Podia and be guided through a section of short + sweet modules that help you lay the next block in your business foundations…

  • In our first session, we’ll dive into what’s working and what isn’t in your business. This week, you’ll begin the hypnotic unconscious reprogramming process, get acquainted with the spirit of your business, and build the movement that differentiates your brand.


    — Your Movement

    — Your Values

    — Your Transformation

    — Your Brand Statement

  • In our second session, we’ll dive deeper into your Human Design to pinpoint the differentiated gifts and profit potential that inform your brandps urpose. You’ll spend this week identifying the people you’re here to lead, what they want, and what they need in their journey that YOU will provide in your offer suite.


    — The People You Serve

  • In our third session, we’ll identify the must-have solution you provide that helps your clients reach their ultimate desire. You’ll dive into the Magnetic Offer Workbook to build your signature offer, ascension offer suite, and long-term revenue plan.


    — Your Signature Offer + Revenue Plan

  • Spaciousness is key to consistent momentum.

    This week is for you to integrate what you’ve been learning, revisit your brand foundations before we dive into messaging, and catch up on anything you haven’t had time to work on. I’ll be available via audio coaching to support you with questions that come up.

  • In our 4th session, we’ll identify the unique topics and themes that are effortless for you to consistently share and JUICY for your ideal clients to learn about. You’ll spend this week developing your brand messaging pillars so you’re excited and ready to hit your content creation week running.


    — Your Brand Messaging

  • In our 5th session, we’ll explore your unique energy for self-expression to find the most easeful way for you to consistently deliver high-quality content without burning yourself out.

    You’ll move through the Conversion Strategy and Easeful Content Workbooks to create a scalable, energy-efficient system for content creation so you can convert clients without having to be constantly online.


    — Personalized Conversion Strategy

    — Easeful Content Planning

  • In our 6th and final session, we’ll discuss your future business goals and create an energy-efficient process for you to keep up your momentum without mental overwhelm or burnout.

    You’ll set up your sales tracker and dive into the Seasonal Planning Workbook to create a spacious but structured plan to hit your revenue goals without doing more.


    — Intuitive Business Planning

    — Sales Activity Tracker (Google Sheet Template)

  • In our last week together, we’ll spend focused time together via audio coaching revisiting your brand foundations, content system, and seasonal action plan to ensure you have everything you need to continue building your brand recognition and increasing your profitability long after our container ends.

…and you’ll end each week with a deeper understanding of how to grow your business now and over time.

Because your brand evolves with you. As you sharpen your skills and perfect your solutions, you can come back to these teachings again and again to refresh your brand and hone in on new aspects of your ideal client’s journey.



You’ll receive hypnosis and affirmations track from my business mentor, Nathaly Granja, to help you reach and stabilize $10-15k months. This alone will help you increase your revenue and transform how you lead your business.

Nathaly’s hypnosis helped me release unconscious blocks to visibility, wealth, and leadership so I could safely receive MORE without resistance. This customized hypnotic track will help you create safety in your body to receive and shift your identity into the version of you who already receives $10-15k months as their ‘normal.’

This goes far beyond business strategy and addresses the subtle, unconscious availability for the level of success you consciously desire.


Nathaly is an Oracle CEO & Hypnotist with 10+ years of client experience.

She is the go-to Oracle & Hypnotist for VIP Coaches & Millionaire Masterminds, whom she has helped scale from $10k-100k months and counting.

Nathaly is the creator of the Granja Vortex Method, a certification program blending energy work and subconscious reprogramming.

Today, she works with Healers, Leaders & Disruptors by guiding their shadow, gifts & business strategy into a new state of being...their Most Abundant Timeline.™

The Investment


$2,500 USD

Best deal.


$1,275 USD

More flexibility.


$650 USD

Most flexible.

Is Business by Design for you?

BBD may be a good fit if:

You’re an online business owner ready to implement a personalized business strategy to make your 6-figure brand vision a reality.

You want a profitable business that provides time freedom, and you’re willing to put in focused work now so your content and funnels do the heavy lifting for you later.

You want an offer suite that solves problems your ideal clients actually care about, and you’re willing to test and refine your offers to ensure they consistently sell.

You’re ready to exit mental overwhelm and finally feel confident and grounded with sustainable, energetics-informed brand, offer, and content strategies.

BBD is not for you if:

You haven’t started your business or don’t know what services to provide. This program assumes you’re ready to hit the ground running, so my Breakthrough Consult is a better fit if you want a profitable business idea.

You want support but not strategic guidance. As a Desire Motivation + Channel of Transformation Generator, I operate best when I’m invited to look at your business and create a process to achieve your goals.

You have zero time on your plate to revise your business strategy. While this container is a supportive, ‘done-with-you' model, it requires effort to get results (aside from planned time off or vacations).

Apply now to join Business by Design.

So you can say goodbye to hours spent wondering what will move the needle in your business, and hello to a spacious, strengths-led process to build your ‘fuck yes’ brand vision.

Submit your application below. Keolani will email you to set up a connection call so she can learn more about your business, talk scheduling, and determine if this program is the right fit for your business.

Client Testimonials

  • "After listening to the recording four times over the last month, I can definitely say that everything you said DEEPLY resonates with me. Every single time I listen, the message feels so refreshing and clarifying. The way you deliver your message is so powerful! I connected with all the guidance you gave me, especially around relationships, manifestation, and waiting to respond."

    6/2 Manifesting Generator

  • "That was absolutely brilliant. Thank you for taking the time to give insight and guidance. Human Design is fascinating and you bring so much clarity to it. I found the reading encouraging, inspiring, and so thoughtful."

    6/2 Generator

  • "Since working together I've experienced a transformative freedom around selling and making money. Prior to our call I felt stuck because I wanted to sell (and needed to because I own a business) but felt weird about typical marketing tactics. I now feel so confident in the way that I'm selling as well as the energetic exchange - I actually feel excited about selling my services now!"

    4/6 Manifesting Generator

  • "I've listened to our session twice already and will need some time to process everything! I feel so much more grounded and excited about the future, like all the things I was worried about changing are exactly where I'm supposed to be. I have so much clarity about creating content now and how to do it according to my design."

    5/1 Generator

About Me

Hi! I’m Keolani Young.

I’m the creator of Business by Design, a Human Design-led approach to business that helps coaches and service providers build recognized brands aligned to their unique strengths, leadership style, and profit potential.

If you want to build a more profitable business without turning it into a 9-5, you’re in the right place.

Working with me is like having a business partner who gives you no-bullshit strategic advice and an emotionally supportive, intuitive space to help you reach the goals you know you can hit, because the entrepreneurial journey is one we’re not designed to go alone.


  • You’ll receive an email from me or my amazing assistant, Abby, to set up a 20-minute connection call. The purpose of this call is to get to know each other, create your North Star goal for the mentorship, and determine if working together is a good mutual fit. If we decide to move forward, we’ll schedule a starting time and you’ll receive access to the Podia workspace and Sacral Magnetism.

  • Nope! I’ll guide you through key aspects of your design through the lens of business + profitability. However, having a basic understanding of your Type, Strategy, and Authority will enable us to ‘get to the good stuff’ more quickly. If you’re new to Human Design, my Sacral Magnetism course is a gamechanger for Generators + Mani Gens in business (P.S. you’ll automaticall receive this course when you enroll in BBD).

  • Done-with-you means that while I’m not writing your copy or designing sales pages for you, I will be providing direct support and strategic guidance as you build, refine, and launch your brand strategy, offer suite, and marketing content. This level of support is rare in the coaching world, and it‘s just one of the things that sets Business by Design apart.

  • I’ll be available Tue - Fri via WhatsApp or Voxer to answer questions, provide feedback on your work, and offer insights on your design. When you feel stuck or uninspired, this is the exact time to reach out to get the clarity you need. The most frequent feedback I hear from clients is: “Omg, that makes so much sense! I know exactly what to do now.”

  • Before we begin working together, we’ll have an introductory call to discuss your goals, your current stage in business, the support you’d like to receive in this mentorship, and ideal timing for our strategy calls. Meeting every 2 weeks works best for most clients, but I offer flexible timing as needed (for example: postponing calls for a few weeks over the holidays).

  • Absolutely! You’ll be able to upload any files or links in a private Google folder, and I’ll provide feedback and recommendations for you to implement.

  • Totally understandable - there are a lot of business programs and coaches out there! We’ll set up a 20-minute connection call after you apply so I can get a deeper understanding of your situation. Finding the right fit is crucial for a successful creative partnership, so don’t hold back from reaching out and asking questions! <3